Fort Bridger marked a junction on the road westward during the great expansion of the mid-1800s. One fork would take you southwest, toward the Great Salt Lake, and the other, due west, would take you up toward northern California and Oregon.
Named after the noted frontiersman, trapper and translator Jim Bridger, the outpost provided travelers with a physical reference point at which to pause. Here, settlers could take stock of the territory covered — reflect on resources that had been expended, losses that had been incurred — and compare them to what they thought they'd be dealing with, where they thought they'd be and what the future looked like from there.
Left, south. Right, north. Back, east.
Which choice represented the best choice for them? Which got them closer to their ultimate goals? Which meant safety and growth and which meant danger?
For different travelers, the correct option varied. What was important was that the decision was made, and one foot was placed in front of the other. The ultimate destination — wherever it would be — was ultimately one step closer.
Let the Bridger serve as a reminder to you of these fundamental choices in your life, and have the courage to call out, then follow your best assessment of what progress means to you.