The poet Robert Frost lived on a chicken farm in Derry, New Hampshire for ten years. Ten years he worked there, all the while writing poems, teaching, beginning to get published and slowly growing in notoriety.
At some point, a decision needed to be made. Continue to live in Derry, do his best to continue to find success as a local poet — or take a chance, sell the farm, leave it all behind and chase his dream full-time, wherever that dream would take him.
It's hard to say how many nights he spent in thought, sitting on the porch of the farmhouse there in Derry. Did his decision come easily? Did he waffle, leaning into his life on the farm one day, then far, far away the next?
What we do know is that the trigger was pulled, the farm was sold and Robert and his family set off for England. That option, certainly the more challenging of the two, proved invaluable, and in those years in England, his career took off.
Deliberateness. Calculation. Confidence. Spirit. These traits paid off for old Bob Frost, and — in our opinion, at least — they'll pay off for you too.