Heavy wear or weather can cause your hat to lose stiffness. No sweat — it happens to the best of us.
We recommend using our hat stiffener spray to restore that sturdy, stiff feel.
Note: Use hat stiffener spray on both felt and straw hats!
Directions: Make sure that your hat is clean and dry. Use a hat brush to open up the fibers of the felt. Spray a fine mist over the entire area of the hat from 8 - 10" inches away. Use sparingly — a little bit goes a long way. A couple of sprays should be all it takes. Feel free to use it on only part of the hat, or the whole hat. Whatever your personal preference is.
Caution: This spray is flammable and should be used in a well ventilated area — outside is best. Don't spray while hat is on a table; it will stick. Using a hat stand is recommended.